My Neurotic Weakness
If you know me... then you probably know how Crazy I am about my CAMRY! (For those of you who saw my facebook albums & thought I had a Land Rover, now you know) lol. Anyways, I really try my hardest to keep my car as clean as it can possibly be. While my bedroom may beg to differ, my car thanks me daily.

I bought it (used) on valentines day of 2006 (as a present to myself), and it was a real find having such low mileage for it's age (under 5k per year). I've since added a few bells & whistles like gps, Sirius, and most recently, a backup camera.

Don't get me wrong, I know it's not a Lexus, but it never gives me crap, and I can always find my way to a wedding on time.
Monday, it received it's first coat of wax :) I took the car to "Crystal Car Care" in Waltham, MA. I had heard that the guy there is the Best in the Biz, & I can't argue with that. He only takes one car per day, and actually spent five hours on my car alone! My rugs look brand new, and, I can see myself reflected in the hood!

For summer, I recommend you treat yourself (and your car) to one too.
Tater tot approves!

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