Lorraine: This collection is to die for! Someday I want a room with little rooms for Barbie, I already have the furniture, kept in the boxes. I just started making Barbie couches, they look so real! I make pillows and shag rugs. ladylorraine10 (3.4.08, 8:56am)

Audrey: I think Lisa's doll storage area is almost as impressive as your photography! Lisa, fantastic collection! Gosh, I need to get my dolls organized like that. (2.29.08, 8:35pm)

Sandy: Lisa, you are way better than Demi, I'm so glad you beat her. Blanch, make me look like a Barbie. (12.13.07, 5:00pm)

Anna Yu: p.s. and the shoes...ohhh....the shoes!!! I want them, I really do! Piece of art... (12.12.07, 10:50pm)

Anna Yu: Yummy pics and gorgeous dolls! Donatella Versace protoype!!!???? Unbelievable, you opened a new world to me, Mike, I had no idea there is a magazine, annual convention or even ppl who collect Barbie dolls...Simply awesome. I wish you could take me with you...no, not to shoot, TO PLAY !!!!! (12.12.07, 10:48pm)

Joanna: Amazing details as always. Being a barbie fan as a child I am in awe of Lisa's collection. (12.11.07, 11:56pm)

Lisa F: Mike...they are all incredible!!! You are a master. I had a blast all afternoon and can't wait to see them in print. Hi to your darling assistant Laura :) Now, what else can I have you photo! Hugs, Lisa (12.11.07, 8:42am)

Stephanie Redmond: Lisa has gorgeous nails, and you have amazing talent. Can't wait to see you! (12.10.07, 11:07pm)