Cara: You and Tony did SUCH an amazing job at our wedding! Thank you so much for being so creative, open and fun! We can't wait to see what you come up with next! xxoo Cara (7.7.08, 6:10pm)

Tiarra Norcross: you and youk... im a little dead.. (5.29.08, 1:29pm)

Anna Yu: i'm totally in love with these 2 little boys!!! They are the cutest! And Enza...she is soo naturally gorgeous at every event, all the time! Mike, as always, LOVE love love your images, i'm sorry we couldn't make it to your gallery show, how about geting together some time next week? let me know! xoxos (5.21.08, 10:00am)

Derek Gaffney: This is why I volunteered for Youk's Hits for Kids. What a gret moment captured by a brilliant photographer. Kevin, you look like you're going to be a GREAT step-father. Regards, Derek (5.19.08, 9:28am)

Enza: Your pictures always capture such a special moment! I can't say enough wonderful things about how generous you are with your time and and more so talent! Thank you! PS Did I ever tell you I want to come back as you in my next life, Paris Hilton, Cindy Crawford... Are you kidding me, you are at every great event in Boston! :) (5.16.08, 5:47pm)

Lindsey: This was such a cool day! Im so happy to have you around to take our pictures in these moments! (5.16.08, 10:19am)