HGTV Green Home - Pine Hills Plymouth, MA
If you are familiar with HGTV's Green Home giveaway, trust me when I say, DON'T FORGET to enter next year! I recently photographed the winners of the 2010 Green Home as they got the keys to their new digs at Pine Hills in Plymouth, MA.

The 2010 HGTV Green Home at Pine Hills in Plymouth, Massachusetts.
Green home winners Sandra & Kermit Gilson from NY State.
Walking to their new home with HGTV President, Jim Samples.
Welcome home!
Sandra with interior designer Linda Woodrum, host Jamie Durie and house planner Jack Thomason.
Inside the first floor.
He literally fell asleep during the tour... no joke!
Those involved on the project were welcomed back to celebrate.
HGTV's Jamie Durie.
The coffee table was hand painted by Nantucket artist, Audrey Sterk.
In the boy's room.
Later in the evening HGTV hosted a party at South Boston's Artists for Humanity.

Artists for Humanity (EpiCenter) is LEED certified and one of Boston's greenest buildings.
The event was produced by Michael Yavorsky of MY Experience.
We printed photographs from the afternoon as favors for guests.
Artists from the program at EpiCenter were set up at the party.
Linda Woodrum and Jack Thomason celebrating a job well done!
For more information on the HGTV Green Home, visit the HGTV website.

Kevin Youkilis Hits for Kids team Runs Boston Marathon!
Sixteen "Team Youk's Kids" runners completed the 26.2 mile long Boston Marathon yesterday.
Enza got a kiss from her son along the route in Newton.
Adam and his daughter.
George is no stranger to road races!
A Hits for Kids marathon party took place at Dino & Cindy's house in Newton, along the route.
Caricatures by Mark Penta!
At every special occasion, my cousin Shannon & I take a "Debbie Downer" picture.

Mark was kind enough to etch our beautiful faces to paper.
Mid-way though the afternoon a few of us headed to the finish line at Copley Square.
Kelley and I at the finish line!
Great job, Enz!
Mikey had fun on Boylston...
Braden being a gentleman.
That's a keeper!
My sister Carol volunteered in the medical tent at Copley Square (she is a cardiac surgery nurse at Mass General).
Mikey watching the runners through a hole in the tent.
Sharon getting in a stretch.
At least Heidi Watney is a good friend - don't ask me for a foot rub!
Fabrizio came in from Italy for the race.
Some of the team!
For more photos from the 2010 Boston Marathon and Team Youk's Kids, click on the green button below!
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David Yurman Hosts Fundraiser for BCRF
Ten percent of sales at the Copley Place David Yurman boutique went to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation yesterday.

Breast cancer survivor, Kelley Tuthill.

Stacey Lucchino.
Linda, Samantha & Kimberly.
Kelley Tuthill, Myra Biblowit and Claire Noland.
Andrea Brooks, Elisha Daniels, Linda Waintrup, Rima Gluzman & Stacey Lucchino.
Walter Whalen ...

Kelley Doyle, I can't wait for you to see this picture!
Donna Stearns and Myra Biblowit.
Lynn Dale, Stephanie Millon and Naomi Kooker.
Andrea Brooks.
Laura Grat and Kathleen Asack.
Rima Gluzman & Stacey Lucchino.
Looking good, Linda!
To view more photos from the David Yurman event, click on the green button below!
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Ad Club Women's Leadership Forum - Mandarin Oriental
Last year the Ad Club hosted three separate Women's Leadership luncheons designed to empower women. This year it all happened in one day (motivation on steroids) and was held at one of my favorite location, the Mandarin Oriental Boston!
It wouldn't be the Ad Club without a raffle!
Guess who brought this??
WNBA legend Nancy Lieberman gave an absolutely terrific lecture!
A book was given out called, "The Best Advice I Ever Got" containing quotes from Ad Club leaders and members.
Ellyn Spragins, author of "What I Know Now About Success".
Suffolk County Sheriff Andrea Cabral spoke as well.
Shaunti Feldhahn, author of "The Male Factor".
My friend and President of the Ad Club, Kathy Kiely.
An Exhale Spa representative was on site to relax participants mid-way through the forum with some light yoga.
Susan Retik, 9/11 widow and founder of Beyond the 11th, a non-profit to empower Afghan women.
Jean Junior, rhodes scholar.
Visit the Ad Club Women's Leadership website to read about all of the women who spoke.

To view additional photos from the Women's Leadership Forum, click on the green button below!
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Celtics host Make-A-Wish for fun-filled afternoon
Five kids from across the country visited the Boston Celtics at practice in Waltham last week. They were chaffered to the gym by limousine and got to tour the facilities, meet the coach, talk with the trainer, play some ball and meet their favorite players! As if that wasn't enough, they also got autographs, souvenirs and pictures with the championship trophy! It was the perfect ending to a Celtics extravaganza made possible by the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Massachusetts. These were some happy fans!

Recognize his ring? They got to try that on, too!
Celtics head coach Doc Rivers invited the kids into his office for the grand tour.
Shooting around with real game balls.
Love this picture!
Brian Scalabrine stopped in for a quick game!
Don't think he let the kids win either...
You guys look alike!

Special thanks to Matt Meyersohn at the Boston Celtics for all of the hospitality.
Almost as tall as Tony Allen!
Paul Pierce stopped by.
Everyone loved his tattoo!
Probably not your size!
The trophy was wheeled out in a covered bag - nobody could guess what it was!
Kevin Garnett had to slouch for the family photo - he is 6"11!
This one's a keeper.
The kids at the end of the day.
It was a pleasure to watch these kids have such a great time meeting their idols.
The Make-A-Wish Foundation does an amazing job - please visit to find out how you can help!

Giuseppe Zanotti - Copley Mall Grand Opening
Italian shoe designer to the stars Giuseppe Zanotti recently opened his latest boutique here at the Copley Place Mall.
Frances Rivera & A.J. Williams.
Hrisoula Gatzogiannis gets a proper fitting from Giuseppe.
Gin Freeman and Jonathan Young.
Glen Kelley and girlfriend meet G.Z.
Life of the party and renowned artist, Giovanni Decunto, always with a crowd!
Anna Canfield, G.Z. and Maristela Rapo.
Shirin Shahriar and Teodora Silva.
G.Z. and the girls from Dynasty Models.
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