POLAROID - An Icon of a Company
Two weeks ago I was forunate enough to be invited inside the doors of the Polaroid World Headquarters in Waltham, Mass, for an intimate look at their operation. My intention was to document this iconic company and it's employees before doors close in the Spring of 2008. Having the opportunity to watch the instant film which gave me such joy as a child, be made in front of my own eyes, gave me a great appreciation for Polaroid. There is real heart that goes into the making of each pack. I think everyone should go out and purchase some Polaroid instant film to play around with. It's not going to be here forever!

For the past month I've also been learning to use Final Cut Pro video editing software at school. We were actually required to pick a topic to tell a "photo story" about. After reading about Polaroid in the Boston Globe, I knew it was what I wanted to base my project on. The process involved still photography, audio recording, and a couple weeks of editing!

Click on the video below to play. Enjoy!

Thank you to everyone who made this possible, and if anyone from Polaroid would like a copy, please send me an email.

3/1/08 Update: My video was featured on SavePolaroid.com. I applaud their efforts to keep Polaroid film alive. Check them out!

3/16/08 Update: Mark Feeney over at The Boston Globe wrote a wonderful article about Polaroid which even included a blurb about my video - Instant Karma. In order for Globe readers to find the video without hunting around, I've moved this post to the top of my blog for now. If you are someone who came due to the article in the Globe, be sure to leave a comment below!

1/11/09 Update: Photographer Elsa Dorfman wrote a great piece in the Boston Globe - The iPod of Another Generation.

At Photo School... Wait What?
It's week two at photo school. So far, I love it!

I decided over the summer that if I'm going to really pursue the photo thing... I should at least go to school for it! Yes, I already know how to take photographs - but I figure that there is ALWAYS more to learn (other than what I've taught myself). I believe that I owe it to my future clients to learn everything that I possibly can. I want my work to stand out.

I also want to be universal. I'm going to be doing things I've never done before. We're going to learn studio portraiture, commercial & fashion photography, product photography... etc etc! And, LOTS of computer tricks. I'm loving the super fast Apple computers here - I'll be ordering mine once the new OS is on the market.

The school that I'm going to is the Center for Digital Imaging Arts at Boston University. They also have classes in graphic design, film, 3d design, recording arts & web design.
This is my student ID photo. Unlike your typical DMV shot, pictures from photo school arn't that bad.... (Taken by Chris Gilmore).
Lara, Chris, & Bri Headed to a shoot! I took this picture with my back turned to them, camera over my head. I'm very proud.
Actually we were going to lunch, haha.

Photo by Lara Callahan.
A picture I took today for a contrast assignment. I feel like I'm in high school again, taking pictures of RANDOM things!
We had an ice cream assignment the other day... I took this at Cabot's.
Street photography assignment. We went to Newbury Street (my idea). Don't you love my days in the classroom?
Lara, ROCKIN her boots!
Chris. He's not afraid to go up to ANYONE.
Chris again, today on a shoot. (Also not afraid to get dirty).
Me on my computer... Candid by Charlene Kim. I love it.
I took this photo on my depth of field assignment.
Here we had to add some spin to our photos... literally. Luckially a fire truck came by to act as my subject.
I leave you with this image from today... In the words of the Mother India restaurant, "Go Red Sox!"

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