Victoria Beckham - personal appearance at Saks Fifth avenue
Victoria Beckham was in Boston today signing autographs (and pairs of jeans) at Saks Fifth Avenue in the Prudential Center.
She was just as I imagined.
The showing was unbelievable. It actually got kinda scary at one point... everyone was crowding around her.
Victoria's UK bestseller.
A+ for effort.
Spice Girls fans?
Reminding everyone where they were.
Victoria with her new jeans.
Starting at $220, available at Saks Fifth Avenue.
And to wrap up the spice sensation, the girls had a reunion concert at the Garden the same day.
I used my press pass to get in. The tour only allowed the media to stay for two songs though.
The Spice Girls.
I have to say - The Spice Girls were never my thing. I can only recall two of their songs at best. I chose to shoot them for fun, since they seemed to be taking Boston by storm. It was a fun day, I love covering things like this... and I'll be doing more!

If you would like to see more photos from Saks, or the concert, click on the green button below. Enjoy!
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Dave & Patrick - The Wedding!
Meet "d+p".

Four facts about these two...

1. "d" (Dave) is the president of a company which I've been doing some freelance brochure photography for.
2. "p" (Patrick) is a New York City history buff! (I was excited to find this out, because I am too.)
3. "d+p" have two wonderful little boys, "n+j".
4. "d+p" love the Boston Pops! So much in fact, that they decided to bring their out of town wedding guests to Symphony Hall on the night before the wedding, so that they could experience this Boston tradition first hand.

Symphony Hall.
Some of the orchestra.
Their guests enjoying the performance.
Pops conductor Keith Lockhart.
"p" + one of his good friends.
I had been to the pops before... just never sitting in the first 5 rows. Being on the floor is different from being on the balcony. It's kind of a social event. There are waitresses, tables, and dancing! It's a lot of fun.
Wedding guests.
Pop's guest star Ron Raines came on stage to sing some Opera. You may remember him from Guiding Light.
"d+p" at the end of the night.
"p", going over some finishing touches on the morning of the wedding.
Did I mention that the ceremony took place in their home? There was just enough room in the living room for everyone.
(...And now you see where "d+p" came from! It was their wedding logo.)

At one point, d+p planned to have the ceremony in a tent, outside, in December. Therefore, they had blankets made for their guests! Even though the ceremony turned out to be inside after-all, they made for unique and lasting favors. By the way, if there are any left overs... :)
Their house is impeccable.
Ring shot. "No Refunds or Exchanges!"
"n+j" watching for the buses to arrive!
Some of the guests arriving at the house.
Back to the living-room, guests take their seats.

Sitting in the middle seat is my friend Stephanie! She is actually the one who created the wedding logo and print materials. She is an amazing graphic designer, and looking to do more wedding branding on the side. If your interested in using her for your event, let me know and I will give you her info.
Meanwhile upstairs, "n" is getting his suit on!
A candid moment during the ceremony.
Officially now, "d+p"!
The whole family.
At the reception.

By the way, my talented assistant Taz shot this and a few other of my favorite detail shots. She's so good!
Flowers by Winstons.
Judging by his company, I don't know why the face!
Remember I told you about Stephanie? This is more of her work... It's priceless!
"d" + Tanya, the families au pair.
I hope you enjoyed a look into their special day. If you would like to see more of the photos, click on the green button below to view the full gallery. The password is the name of the town where the reception was held. Enjoy!
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Ringing in the new year!
After a stop by my cousin Scott & Wendy's party, I dropped my sister off in Southie before heading to Kim's house.

Carol & Becky. Becky, if you're reading this, be sure to leave a comment or two! I know you stalk me... ;)
Playing wii at Kim's!
Allison & I in the 50's room.
Steve & Sabrina.
Ashley & Kim.
But of course, PARTY FAVORS!!!! What is a party without?
Gabe & Lani.
Almost 2008!
Allison playing bartender.
Grapes, anyone?
Allison & Kimmy.
Lani & Allison.
3's a crowd! or is it, 3's company?
...I brought lighting to the party, haha.
Milvs, Kim & Sabrina.
Ash & I.
Nothing compared to Thanksgiving!
Group shot on the pool table!
I love this one!
Can anyone guess who we're tributing? Leave it below!!
Happy New Years!! Make it a good on :)

A look back at 2007
It's hard for me to believe that I can now take down my 2007 calendar, throw it out, and put up my new one for 2008. The other day, one of my friends said "2007 was the best and worst year of my life." Well... that statement goes for me as well!

I did so much in 2007; I learned so many new things; I made some huge mistakes; and I figured out a little more about who I am, and why I'm doing what I'm doing. As eventful as 2007 was, I am whole heartedly looking forward to this new year.

But before I jump ahead, I want to quickly re-cap my top 10 favorite posts of 2007.

1. "ME & TATER TOT ON LARRY KING LIVE!" is going to be my favorite post for ages to come! If you check it out, you have to read the entire story, otherwise it will seem stupid.
2. I started shooting events for Kevin Youkilis's charity, Hits for Kids in 2007. I've had so much fun becoming a part of this growing organization, but I didn't quite realize what it was all about until we visited "CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL ON CHRISTMAS."
3. I was so proud to post this one... "SOPHIA & JOE - THE WEDDING!." These wedding photos are some of my best work to date! I'm also very excited about Sophia & Joe's new baby girl, coming in April of 08! I can't wait to meet her, and take some infant portraits. These guys aren't getting rid of me anytime soon!
4. Putting together "OUR HOME - THROUGH THE YEARS" took me an entire day. This post doesn't just represent an event from 2007, but it chronicles 80 years of history. There are almost 60 photos in this post, be sure to check it out!
5. Who could forget the "NOT YOUR AVERAGE HOUSEWARMING PARTY"? I think all of my blog readers remember this one!
6. What's the big deal? "IT'S JUST FOG ." To me this set of photos represents the fun of photography. Check it out!
7. Ever since I started posting photos on facebook, my nephew has been part of my online presence. I always think back to "TATER TOT'S WEEKEND AT GRAMMIES" because of his adorable age at this time. I mean, just look at him!
8. I went a little crazy with this one! I posted a whopping 32 photos from the "SARAH & MAC - BEFORE THE WEDDING!" engagement shoot. That's because, I loved them all! In doing this shoot I learned that there are no rules with photography as long as you leave with a story to tell. If you have an idea about something you want to try, just do it!
9. Nobody expected this one... "IT'S A BARBIE WORLD - AND SHE'S IN THE MIDDLE OF IT!." I loved this assignment because it's not every day that I get the chance to do editorial work. Telling Lisa's story was a blast! I'm also very proud of my lighting :)
10. "CARS CARS & MORE CARS!." This was just fun for me. I enjoyed capturing these cars in a different and creative way. I was genuinely excited for people to see this posting!
If I didn't list your favorite post here, please let me know what it was below!

I look forward to joining you in 2008!

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