October 2007 |
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I stayed home tonight, watching tv and answering the door to some ghosts & goblins. We actually had a quiet night with only about 25 kids showing. I was bummed that I didn't get to see Tater Tot - but I hear that he was a Dragon :)
Mom carved this today - I love it. I don't know where she finds the time.
Hailey from across the street popped by. She is adorable.
Their fam.
And Shannon made her cameo... nice costume Shan!
We wanted to see all of her candy... She didn't seem to mind.
Incase you didn't hear, we won the World Series last week...
Any time Boston wins something, you can bet there is going to be a rally/parade!
I love you too!
I was standing in front of the Four Seasons... I think this guy was a guest at the hotel and I'm not sure if he had any idea what was going on, ha!
Here come the ducks.
I snuck one of myself in a passing bus.
Lots of dogs showed up as well.
And another. Thanks for letting me take your picture!
The cleanup...
Update: I added a link below to the rest of the photos, due to popular demand :)
We got together over the weekend at my aunt Mary's so that Allison could meet some other aunts uncles and cousins. As always, Tater Tot stole some of her show.
Don't worry - we first removed the baby from the carriage.
He didn't know what to make of this.
Over the weekend I went to New York City for the 2007 PhotoPlus expo. My main goal was to find and select my favorite new wedding albums to start using in 2008. I think I found all the good ones :)
Cool stairs huh?
Inside the expo, which was at the Javits Center.
Stocking stuffer of the year right here... A self portrait pod thing that you attach your point & shoot to so that you can take your own picture without having to extend your arm out. I WANT ONE!
Tony & Anna Yu of
Team Yu photography. Long story short - we met in Boston when Becker & Jess came to visit. We discovered that we were all from Newton so we kept in touch and when they decided to drive to NYC, they let me tag along! It's great to have people close by that are interested in doing the same things as you...
A portrait of me taken by Team Yu.
Lauren from
openField photography and I. GREAT seeing you Lauren!
Can you guess what booth we were at??? Leave your guess below -->
We spent the rest of the day out and about shooting the streets of Manhattan.
Believe it or not, his wife put him up to it!
This horse was getting a bath when we walked by.
Street portrait.
A taxi gets a re-fresh.
Post this!
Cup Cakes!
We drove by Ground Zero. I had not been by in a few years. See the building in the back? That's the Deutsche Bank building that is finally being demolished after suffering enormous damage on 9/11.
I love this shot.
On our way out we drove through the Times Sq area. Here is 42nd Street.
We took advantage of the X5's abnormally large sunroof.
Ha! Me in Times Sq (out the sunroof).
A billboard shot I snapped. I kinda like it.

Thank you to everyone who has recently inquired about having their portraits done, or about events in the future. I really appreciate your business during my time of growth! October has been the busiest month of the entire year for me, and I'm currently trying to return all of my contacts. Your patience means a great deal to me, and I promise to treat everyone as if they are my one and only client!
As for senior portraits - If you are looking to have your photos done asap, I have scaled back my trip to NYC this weekend to accommodate some additional appointments. Here is a list of my current updated availability.
Wednesday the 24th @ 4:45.
Saturday the 27th @ 10, 11, 12, or 1.
I've been doing all of the portraits in the park at Newton City Hall, or across the street at Bulloughs Pond. There is lots of foliage and shade here, and the photos are coming out amazing. The cost of the session is $150. Included is the online gallery, re-touching of your yearbook image, and a set of prints (1 8x10, 2 5x7's, & 24 wallets). I also hand deliver your selected image to the Newtonian yearbook. Their deadline is October 31st (although they annually extend it into November). If you have a friend/friends that need theirs done as well, you are welcome to come together - it's more fun!
Click here to see some recient shots! - and let me know ASAP if you would like to book a session!

We added a new member to the family last week! My brother had his second child, a little girl named Allison. She is PERFECT!
Hours old.
...And already tired ;)
Meg & Ali. They definately look alike!
The whole fam.
Jason was more interested in running down the halls of the hospital.
& eating his "Pop"
My mom with her new grand-daughter.
Ali & I.
Look at that hair!
Day two - Carol visits.
As well as Allison's great-grandparents!
The other babies in the nursery were very jealous of Ali's Red Sox hat that I got her!
Please feel free to comment below. Also, there is a green button (link) to the rest of the photos if your interested.
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