October 2007 |
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So I let my hair get a little long... Granted I messed it here for this photo, but it was definately time to do something about it.
So I went to the other extreme... haha. If you know me personally, you know that I'm mostly clean cut. Historically I've always had short hair. I let it grow longer this summer, and I actually liked it. It was a controlled mess, and I almost kept it (see my ID photo below). However, I scheduled a hair cut and did away with it this afternoon.
Let me know what you think - leave comments!
If you found yourself here - you're early! I actually haven't officially launched my new website yet, but here it is!
The blog is just about all there, and I really, really LOVE it. The rest of the pages are still being worked on by my talented designer over at
Infinet Design. Soon they will be filled with LOTS to look at!
I hope you enjoy what I've been working on producing for the last 3 years... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE start commenting on my blog posts! Each one takes me HOURS to make, and I want to know that people are seeing them!
Take care,

It's week two at photo school. So far, I love it!
I decided over the summer that if I'm going to really pursue the photo thing... I should at least go to school for it! Yes, I already know how to take photographs - but I figure that there is ALWAYS more to learn (other than what I've taught myself). I believe that I owe it to my future clients to learn everything that I possibly can. I want my work to stand out.
I also want to be universal. I'm going to be doing things I've never done before. We're going to learn studio portraiture, commercial & fashion photography, product photography... etc etc! And, LOTS of computer tricks. I'm loving the super fast Apple computers here - I'll be ordering mine once the new OS is on the market.
The school that I'm going to is the
Center for Digital Imaging Arts at Boston University. They also have classes in graphic design, film, 3d design, recording arts & web design.
This is my student ID photo. Unlike your typical DMV shot, pictures from photo school arn't that bad.... (Taken by Chris Gilmore).
Lara, Chris, & Bri Headed to a shoot! I took this picture with my back turned to them, camera over my head. I'm very proud.
Actually we were going to lunch, haha.
Photo by Lara Callahan.
A picture I took today for a contrast assignment. I feel like I'm in high school again, taking pictures of RANDOM things!
We had an ice cream assignment the other day... I took this at
Street photography assignment. We went to Newbury Street (my idea). Don't you love my days in the classroom?
Lara, ROCKIN her boots!
Chris. He's not afraid to go up to ANYONE.
Chris again, today on a shoot. (Also not afraid to get dirty).
Me on my computer... Candid by Charlene Kim. I love it.
I took this photo on my depth of field assignment.
Here we had to add some spin to our photos... literally. Luckially a fire truck came by to act as my subject.
I leave you with this image from today... In the words of the Mother India restaurant, "Go Red Sox!"
The first senior portraits I ever did were of my friends, during my senior year. Now I'm available to everyone!
My service is mainly geared towards producing at least one really good image for submission to the yearbook. The yearbook only requires a standard headshot... I like to take it a step further. Here are some of the ones I've taken recently.
By the way - being this gorgeous makes my job a lot easier.
Is she not a young
Jasmine Star or what!? That's a GOOD thing btw!
I love it when friends come to get their pictures taken together. These three are great friends... Whenever I need help getting someone to smile or relax, it's nice to have someone firmiliar that I can grab to make faces behind my back.
Her friends were telling her to flip her hair like The Donald... Well, Donald has NOTHING on you!
10-15-07 edit - I did some more photos over the weekend. Here are a couple to share.
My favorite background.
Yes, you can use these photos for your modeling portfolios ;)
If you'de like to set up an appointment be sure to call ASAP - spots are filling and the deadline is near! 617-721-8796
For years, Sarah has dreamed of marrying a guy named Mac... According to her maid of honor. Well, that actually happened.
The best man preparing his speech.
One of Mac's ushers hanging by the pool, just hours till the ceremony.
The bridesmates put this together themselves, prior to the ceremony. Isn't that amazing?
Sarah and her aunt Nancy (Fancy). I had a great conversation with her in the morning. She was telling me how much Sarah means to her - and how much it meant to have me with them on such an important day to all of them. I've never felt more welcomed!
By the way, Fancy, I will travel to the Hamptons ;)
Turning the corner.
Sarah & her dad.
It was windy out!
If you dig the mansion, check it out -
Lyman Estate
Love the back light...
There is a photo of me setting up this shot at the bottom of the post.
Polariod station.
Shake it!
He's all tied up.
Taken by my second shooter Casey. LOVE it!
I think it was...
Thank you for having me be a part of your day, Sarah & Mac! --
Click here to see their engagement shoot!
I was so excited when Sophia called me to do her and Joe's wedding! Ever since "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" I've wanted to shoot one! (Sophia's Greek). Joe, (Italian) is the nephew of Laura & Sam, my first ever wedding clients. ...I guess I did an okay job!
Look at these two! They are just so excited to spend the afternoon with me... ;)
Sophia had the idea to take their engagement portraits at
Lookout Farm in Natick. Man am I glad we went with it! Not only did it have EXCELLENT scenery for photographs, but it also made for a really fun day.
Entering Apple Avenue!
By the way - Our day was filled with lots of snacking!
She knows what she likes and she goes for it!
Love this.
Picking grapes.
Off to find the asian pears!
Back on the trolley.
Sophia & Joe - Thank you for a really great day! You were total sports and now I'm even more excited for next week.
P.S. The blueberry pie ROCKS!
I encourage everyone getting married to consider having their engagement photos done. They really help my clients (and myself) to be more comfortable with each other on the day of the wedding because we will have already spent an afternoon together. They are also just a lot of fun - especially if you plan on actually doing something or going somewhere in particular.
Ask your photographer to do this, it's worth it!
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