POLAROID - An Icon of a Company
Two weeks ago I was forunate enough to be invited inside the doors of the Polaroid World Headquarters in Waltham, Mass, for an intimate look at their operation. My intention was to document this iconic company and it's employees before doors close in the Spring of 2008. Having the opportunity to watch the instant film which gave me such joy as a child, be made in front of my own eyes, gave me a great appreciation for Polaroid. There is real heart that goes into the making of each pack. I think everyone should go out and purchase some Polaroid instant film to play around with. It's not going to be here forever!

For the past month I've also been learning to use Final Cut Pro video editing software at school. We were actually required to pick a topic to tell a "photo story" about. After reading about Polaroid in the Boston Globe, I knew it was what I wanted to base my project on. The process involved still photography, audio recording, and a couple weeks of editing!

Click on the video below to play. Enjoy!

Thank you to everyone who made this possible, and if anyone from Polaroid would like a copy, please send me an email.

3/1/08 Update: My video was featured on SavePolaroid.com. I applaud their efforts to keep Polaroid film alive. Check them out!

3/16/08 Update: Mark Feeney over at The Boston Globe wrote a wonderful article about Polaroid which even included a blurb about my video - Instant Karma. In order for Globe readers to find the video without hunting around, I've moved this post to the top of my blog for now. If you are someone who came due to the article in the Globe, be sure to leave a comment below!

1/11/09 Update: Photographer Elsa Dorfman wrote a great piece in the Boston Globe - The iPod of Another Generation.

The Ad Club presents Legends Night at the Fairmont Copley
Last night I attended Legends Night at the Fairmont Copley Plaza. Put on by The Ad Club - an organization for advertising and communications professionals - Legends Night celebrated the accomplishments of three men, Ed Eskandarian, Jack Connors, and Paul La Camera. They were each warmly inducted by colleagues, friends, and family, into the New England Advertising Hall of Fame, a position only a legend could fill. Visit The Ad Club website to read more about these men.
Ted Wayman and Kerry Connolly.
Michelle Byrne, Marcy Mccauley, Stephanie Boucher, and Heather Hazelton.
Party favors provided by Chestnut Hill's Shreve Crump & Low.
My friend Susan Wornick, and her friend Karen Holmes Ward.
Dinner is served.
Bo Winiker and his brother Bill Winiker of Winiker Music. These guys were great!
Jack Connors (right) entertains some of the people who came out to congratulate him.
Amazing centerpieces.
Former President of WCVB, Paul La Camera, and the current President of WCVB, Bill Fine.
Friends of the Ad Club, the people of Mullen.
Watching the presentations...
I'm going to get in trouble for posting this... But the crowd thought it was funny, and so did I.

Part of the video presentation poked fun at old New England advertisements. This one said, "PEOPLE WITH MONEY Live In NEWTON, Mass," which was an ad for The Newton Graphic. True - not entirely - but very typical!
Ed Eskandarian being congratulated by fellow award recipient, Paul La Camera.
Ed Eskandarian and Robert Kraft.
Award winner Jack Connors.
Paul La Camera listens to Heather Unruh as she kindly introduces him.
WCVB anchor Heather Unruh.
If you are looking for a specific photo from last night, check my Legends Night full gallery by clicking the green button below!
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The Ellie Fund's Oscar Night 2008 - Hard Rock Cafe Boston
Since not everyone could be in L.A. for Sunday night's Academy Awards show, Boston decided to have its own! Hosted at the new Hard Rock Cafe - Fanueil Hall, this Oscars party was actually a fundraiser for The Ellie Fund, a charitable organization which supports the caregivers of those with breast cancer. Festivities included live music performed by the Evan Goodrow Band, dinner from Green Olive Catering, a silent auction, and a live feed of that "other party" in L.A. - with popcorn of course!

Julie Nations, the Executive Director of the Ellie Fund, holding an Oscar on loan from the good people of "On Golden Pond."
J.C. Monahan, Bill Fine, Susan Wornick, and David Brown.
This gal (Jessica Hansen) does a mean Marilyn Monroe!
Actress Christine Elise McCarthy (right) with a friend.
2008 Miss Massachusetts, Jacqueline Bruno.
Kelley Tuthill (left) with the ladies from Friends of Mel.

The Friends of Mel Foundation was one of the Ellie Fund's largest sponsors for the evening. They are a great local organization, so please check them out!
Evan Goodrow of the Evan Goodrow Band, and the night's top sponsor, Ernie Boch Jr. of Boch Automotive.
Alexandre Emmanuel, a very talented painter who donated this Oil on Canvas original to the silent auction.
Susan Wornick, J.C. Monahan, and Jaclyn Cashman.
Party goers!
A special thanks to my friend Julie Dennehy of Dennehy Public Relations!

To view more photos from this event, simply click on the green button below.
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Happy 30th Birthday Carol!
Earlier this month my sister Carol celebrated her 30th birthday! We went to Boston's new Seaport Mortons for dinner.

Kelly, Carol & Melanie.
Liz, Carol, Melanie & Caroline.
Tony, Lisa, Carol & Maura.
Birthday girl! Nice hat :)
Carol & her "little" brother.
Who knew Mortons had an in house tenor?
Cupcakes from Party Favors! Thanks for bringing them Caroline... They were amazing!
Enza didn't want to be photographed.
Group shot!
Happy Birthday Carol!
To see more of the photos, click the green button below! The password is Carol's nickname in high school.
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at home with giovanni guglielmo - post transplant
This post has special meaning for me. Last month I had the opportunity to meet one very special little guy named Giovanni.

I was reading an article published on January 7th, 2007 in the Boston Herald when I first learned about baby Giovanni Guglielmo. Giovanni was born with nemo - an extremely rare chromosomal disorder resulting in a number of lifelong complications. Only about a dozen cases of nemo have ever been diagnosed in the United States.

Giovanni's diagnosis meant one thing - he needed a life saving bone marrow transplant, and fast.
The main complication Giovanni suffered was his deteriorating immune system. His best shot at survival was a life saving bone marrow transplant. With Greek/Italian heritage, finding a match was the toughest part. In the meantime, Giovanni's life was spent at Children's Hospital confined to a crib and protected from outside germs which could kill him.
Either his mom or dad stayed by his side at all times. He never woke up to an un-familiar face.

The family, who is from New Hampshire, made the almost two hour trip to Children's Hospital in Boston several times a week.
Have you seen this boy lately?

Giovanni received more local press last year than most celebrities get. His story became a sensation, especially to readership of the Boston Herald. To the credit of Giovanni's father, this story, and the importance of the bone marrow registry made itself onto the front page more than once.
This is Giovanni's father, Michael Guglielmo.

Years ago, after a run in with the law, Guglielmo found himself locked up. "Prison saved my life" he said. While serving time, Guglielmo took his high school education and turned it into a masters degree. With the help of a few law books, Guglielmo eventually became the in-house attorney, fighting for the rights of fellow inmates. He was even able to get his cases published in several news articles. Using the media to his advantage was something he became very good at. Years later he was doing it all over again - except this time he was fighting for his son.

Guglielmo shaved his head to support his son while undergoing chemotherapy. (His trademark horseshoe was never touched).
Giovanni missed out on a lot of things while stuck in the hospital. He went his first year of life without crawling or sitting up.
His two half brother's continued to go to school while their parents were back and forth to Boston.
Giovanni's father is a contractor. Now committed to his family full time, the business suffered. With debt mounting, the family decided to raffle off their beautiful new home. With tickets at $500 a piece, checks started coming in immediately. What they didn't expect in the mail was a letter from the attorney general, telling them it is against the law to raffle real estate.
Luckily, the donations did not stop pouring in. With all of the media attention paid to Giovanni, strangers opened their hearts, and their wallets. The Guglielmos were able to stay a float, and in their home. A local artist even offered to paint a mural on the ceiling of their family room after the Sistine Chapel, in honor of baby Giovanni.
In March of 2007, a match was found. Not bone marrow, but cord blood. On March 21st, Giovanni received the gift he had been waiting for, a chance at life. The cord blood was transfered into Giovanni's body, and now began the waiting game.
This picture was taken on January 6th, 2008 - 291 days post transplant. The transplant went remarkable.
In honor of Giovanni, Italy held it's first ever bone marrow drive adding 1,000 people to the international registry. The Vatican was impressed. Giovanni received this honorary blessing from Pope Benedict. Once Giovanni's immune system is strong enough, the family hopes to visit Italy.
"When someone complains about their bad day, I tell them to go sit in the lobby of Children's Hospital so they can watch the parents who have to leave without their children" said Guglielmo, referring to the number of children who don't make it.

The Guglielmo's have started a non-profit orginization called, Save Giovanni's Friends, in hoping of doing just that. Bone marrow drives are held each weekend throughout greater New England by Save Giovanni's Friends. They have added over 10,000 people to the registry in just a year. All it takes to join is a simple cotton swab of your mouth.
He hopes to add over a hundred thousand donors to the registry in hopes of saving more children like Giovanni.
While there is no comparison between Giovanni before and after transplant, his struggles are far from over. Giovanni recently underwent testing for ectodermal dysplasia, a condition that interferes with the development of skin, hair, nails, teeth, and sweat glands. Each case of ED is different, and the severity of Giovanni's case is still unknown.
With new ties to DKMS and the Red Cross, Giovanni will continue to be the face of the bone marrow movement.

I contacted the family in hopes of doing this portrait session because I wanted to show the new Giovanni. If you have followed this story from the beginning, you remember the iconic photos taken of sick Giovanni in the hospital. Now that he is at home and doing much better, I wanted to show the flip side. A happy one year old.
Thank you to Michael and Christina for so willingly letting me into your home. We wish you nothing but the best!
Because of the Save Giovanni's Friends drives, nine people have been given a second chance at life. "He's saved nine lives and he doesn't even know it," said his father. Please become a bone marrow donor, each person can truly make a difference.

For a list of up-coming drives in the New England area, please visit Save Giovanni's Friends.
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Cultural Care Au Pair - Red Hot Salsa Night at MIT
Last night I photographed another great event put on by EF Education! If you have not heard of EF, let me tell you, they are the company to work for! Not only is everyone young and cool, but they throw the greatest parties.

This event however, was not for office employees. EF has it's own Au Pair division called Cultural Care which matches families with Au Pairs from lots of different countries. Red Hot Salsa night was for the Au Pairs... and over 300 showed!

Best part of the night? $4,000 was raised for charity!
Punch anyone?
EF Au Pairs!
This guy was the DJ, and the dance instructor! I'm not sure if this girl was a professional too, but they were AMAZING to watch! I thought this photo was funny because they look so tangled up with one another! Remind anyone of Dirty Dancing?

Go HERE to check out his Salsa website!
Stephanie, Mia & I!
Our big group shot!
Thanks again to my favorite graphic design girls!

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