Gucci Grand Opening - 800 Boylston
With the rise of the new Mandarin Oriental hotel in the Back Bay, a number of other top names also took residence. There is Chef Frank McClelland's french eatery L'Espalier, athletic apparel retailer Lululemon, Elan Sassoon's Mizu salon, and most recently, Italian fashion house Gucci. Located next to the Prudential Center on Boylston Street, Gucci's new address is a hot spot for international tourists. Their grand opening party took place last night to a crowd of Boston's most fashion conscious citizens.
Hosts for the evening Corinne Grousbeck, Patty Ribakoff and Beth Madison with Gucci manager Brian Litt.

A portion of the proceeds will benefit the MassGeneral Hospital for Children.
Jeff and Alyson Lindsey.
Gucci by Gucci.
Jason Salzenstein and store manager Valerie Homsy.
Audrey Schuster, Leanne Miller, Beth Madison and Sinesia Karol.
Signature Gucci.
Ingrid Cordeiro, Amy Nachbar and Marcia Dolgin.
Dane Chenery, Les Adelstein and Delhia Emanuel.
To find more photos from the Gucci Grand Opening, click on the green button below! -- Article in the Inside Track.
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