M.I.A. MIKE - What I've been up to!
This website has been boring lately. I've been super busy and have not had time to post on here as much as I would like to!

A friend told me at dinner last week that she thought I had dropped off the face of the planet with no calls or website updates. "Are you sleeping all day?" she said. Aside from the days that I have - yes, slept all day, here is a look at what I've been up to.

If Jason can't hide - neither can I :)
Old Town Trolley had me back for a third photo shoot - this time for their Ghosts and Gravestones tour.

Best ghost tour EVER! - BUY YOUR TICKETS NOW!!
...We had fun with this one!
I've been trying to visit my friend Giovanni as much as possible, too.

I can't wait to see you this week pal!

I finally took my bone marrow donors test. Save Giovanni's Friends is nearing it's 15,000th donor! CONGRATULATIONS Giovanni!
The beautiful Kai Leigh Harriott.

Her inspirational story, coming soon!
I shot another great event for Hopple Popple last week. This one was at the Taj Boston.
My friends from the Emergent Energy Group needed corporate headshots for their website.

Here they are!
We had a gallery show at school!

More from this coming soon!
It's that time of year!

I shot a first communion last month, too.
Meet Saranac.

My Newton-friend Liz had me photograph her dog who is 94 years old (dog years). More coming soon!
My favorite family EVER!

The Sellke family asked me to do some informal portraits. OF COURSE I WILL!
Good Sports gave Kevin an award at the Roxy.
Kathy and I were jealous so we found our own medals!
Meet Corinne!

How cute is she?
My friend Jill Litner Kaplan was part of this year's Boston Design Center Dream Home.

I took this picture of her at the Dream Home Gala... Congratulations, Jill!
We graduated from photo school! Oh, and Tammy had a baby boy!

MUCH more on this coming SOON!
Mikey went to a photoshoot at Fenway Park for Boston Magazine!

I went for behind the scenes... More on this after Boston Magazine hits the news-stands in October.
Hits for Kids had a photo shoot with some of the kids from Christopher's Haven.
My friend "Eddo" from Our Lady's got married at the BEAUTIFUL Trinity Church in Copley Square!
Sarah & Ed.

Congratulations, enjoy Aruba! (More soon).
Allison Blanchard, soon to be baptised...

Reporting live, Michael Blanchard, godfather :)
Hopefully I gave you a couple reasons to check back this week! Thanks for stopping by!

Kevin Youkilis Hits for Kids - A Benefit Dinner
Hits for Kids held it's first benefit dinner last night, hosted by David and Sharon Yogel, Kevin Youkilis and Enza Sambataro.
A very intimate setting for a charity dinner!
Place cards for Enza & Kev.
The WONDERFUL people from Morton's Steakhouse, Back Bay were kind enough to donate their catering services to Hits for Kids.

I HIGHLY recommend the Morton's salad with apples and walnuts... and their pomegranate martini! ...The steak is alright, too!
David Yogel, with Sharon and Renee in the mirror!
Enza, looking hostess-like.
Guests arriving.
Chatting with Renee, probably about the charity!
New friends.
Our informal group shot on the stairs!
I don't like to post photos of people eating dinner, but here is one for you to get the idea...
Favors by Harvard Sweet Boutique, of course!
Lesson of the night? Doing good things for others is fun!

This group of people all met for the first time last night. They enjoyed GREAT food, made friends, learned about Hits for Kids, and got to ask Kevin a thing or two about that job of his... More importantly, they were given the opportunity to help us help the kids who need it most. It is because of each generous individual that Hits for Kids was able to have such a successful first year.

*For more photos from the party, click the green button below!
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"Here's the pitch" presented by the Ad Club
The Ad Club of Boston is an age old organization filled with members from the wonderful world of advertising. The Ad Club holds between 12-20 events a year ranging from awards banquets to seminars and even golf tournaments. They are always a great time and are the perfect place to network! Yesterday the Ad Club held a series called "Here's the Pitch" at Fenway's Game On.
Signage by the amazing Kim Nolen!
Key people which I need ID's on! :)
Happy advertisers thankful to be spending their Monday lunch break at Game On!
Ad Club president Kathy Kiley.
Boston.tv came by!
Fran Kelly, CEO of Arnold Worldwide.

Mr. Kelly gave a great presentation about pitching ad campaigns. You wouldn't believe the time effort and money that goes into simply proposing an idea for an ad! If anyone can do it though, it's Arnold. They have some of the most recognizable brands under their belt, including VW, Volvo, Jack Daniels and Ocean Spray.
Side note about me:

I never considered a career in advertising photography until recently. After taking a class with a renowned commercial advertising photographer and then being introduced to the Ad Club, I am pretty inspired to give it a go. I actually just wrapped up my first campaign for Old Town Trolley Tours of Boston. It was a TON of fun and I hope that this is the beginning of something great!

*Click on the green button below for more photos!
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