Davio's Grand Opening at Patriot Place!
Perhaps you've been to the Back Bay Davio's? If so, you know how AMAZING the food is! Good news for you South Shore folk, Davio's opened a new location in Patroiot Place! Last night they held their Grand Opening to a packed crowd of hungry fans.
Have you ever seen so many potted plants in your life? Besides at a garden store, that is.

Patriot Place in Foxborough is BRAND NEW. It is adjacent to Gillette Stadium and also has a mall, movie theatre and a hospital!
Bob Kraft and family, with the gang from Davio's.
Their expressions say it all. Davio's has perhaps the best pizza I've EVER had!
I love walking into a party and finding a martini sculpture.
Patriots Ben Watson and Davio's Steve DiFillippo.
The room was so packed, this was the only way they could get around.

The Kobe Burgers were GREAT! Thanks!
Enza & I after eating the entire restaurant clean.
The gang.
The people of Davio's Foxborough.

I noticed a couple of employees congregating around the grill so I asked for a group shot. Within minutes we had everyone!
Congratulations on your Grand Opening! - Click here for coverage by Gayle Fee.
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