"This Newton-based photographer is a fixture at New England's most exclusive parties." -Boston Common Magazine
Genevieve de Manio photography.

In 1998, my father handed me two disposable cameras. As simple as that was, it changed my life. My assignment? Take pictures of our 1925 family home as it stood before a major renovation. I learned here how to document the world in front of me.

In 2004 I got my first taste of the bright lights (although behind them). I was in high school at the time, and very eager to graduate with more than just a manila folder of essays and tests. It was an election year, and the Democratic National Convention was coming to Boston. Determined to get myself inside, I somehow did just that. All four nights I made my way down to the floor, kneeling with photographers and reporters from across the country. 15 feet from President Clinton I knelt - and took pictures.

I get such a kick out of my job. I love the fact that I am able to go places and meet people at occasions I would otherwise normally have no business at. This is why I fell in love with photojournalism. Every day, something new. Whether I'm shooting an event or national news story, my approach remains the same. I always try to tell a complete story of the day through a series of images taken through my point of view.

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