Ovations Driving for a Cure - Weston Golf Club
Ovations for the Cure of Ovarian Cancer held it's first annual Driving for a Cure golf tournament on Monday. Around eighty people participated representing various companies and organizations committed to finding a cure. It turned out to be a beautiful day!
This was my second visit to the Weston Golf Club. Man do they have a great course!
The fabulous people of the Natick Collection.
Possible Hole in One?
Wait for it...
This is Paul Flaherty, husband of Patti Franchi Flaherty, the founder of Ovations for the Cure.

Paul's company, Flaherty Plumbing, was a sponsor of the event.
Meet Pat Bradley. She is a hall of fame golf legend who was kind enough to donate her time to Ovations.

Hole 17 was "Beat the Pro". Participants were able to challenge Pat to a tee off!
This man was rather amused by her colorful golf bag. Who wouldn't be?
Pat also gave friendly advice to the players.
She even signed 80 autographed photos!
This guy LUCKED out! He "Beat the Pro"!
Claire from Sabre Imagery and I on the 17th hole. She kept me company in the cart all afternoon!

Claire and the rest of the team from Sabre are responsible for all of the great events put on by Ovations for the Cure.
Scores are in!
The afternoon of golfing was followed by a dinner in the dining room.
There was a raffle too. Ovations always finagles the BEST raffle/silent auction gifts!
Guests got to pick up their Pat Bradley photos! A treasure to any fan of the game.
See what I meant about the raffles? This guy won a set of Nike clubs!
Paul Flaherty speaking to the crowd.

You can see me in the mirror!
Paul also accepted an award on his wife's behalf for her courageous efforts in fighting Ovarian Cancer.

The Brandeis Award was given by Bill Gaffney, the VP of SBLI, a major sponsor of Driving for a Cure. Congratulations Patti!
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