The New Nonantum Boxing Club - Open House
After three years operating out of a local gym, the Nonantum Boxing Club was ready to move out. The club now has a great new space to call their own. Started by a group of friends, the Nonantum Boxing Club offers classes for all age groups and experience levels. At the open house were two boxing icons, State Auditor Joe Denucci and North End legend Tony DeMarco.
Tony DeMarco and Joe Denucci.
With Denucci and DeMarco are the guys who started the boxing club together.
Nathan Busa, Tony DeMarco and Joe Denucci.
Phil Riffe.
These guys spent a long time getting the club ready for this day and it really came out great! A giant ring is currently on order!

Click HERE to see a panoramic image of the space!
DeMarco and Denucci talked about the importance of community and fitness.

Denucci said without boxing he would not be where he is today.
My first attempt at boxing happened in June when my USMC-trainer told me that I was doing it. Boxing wasn't something I had ever considered, but it didn't take long to realize what an amazing workout and fun sport it is!
I'm looking forward to becoming better at it in the coming months!

The Nonantum Boxing Club is now located at 75 Adams Street in Newton, MA. Classes start at only $20!

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