Kelly & Andy - Wedding at Castle Hill, Newport, R.I.
It's hard not to like Kelly. She's just so easy going and relaxed... In-fact, Kelly shared a room with my sister and I in Mexico for Enza & Kevin's wedding just a few days before her own. That's how relaxed she is! Most brides would be freaking out over last minute details, but instead, Kelly was sipping frozen iced coffees and getting her tan on! Her wedding day was no different.
This is Kelly's friend Annie (who is going to kill me for posting this!)

Poodle cut, anyone? I don't know much about doing hair, but I thought this hair dresser's process was pretty funny...
My sister, Carol!
Look how happy Kelly was!
Kelly's cousin is a make-up artist.

She was using a sprayer to apply make-up. It made everyone's skin so even and beautiful in photos!
I love this shot!
Bob's favorite shot!

Thanks again to my friend Bob Pattison for great assisting!
So elegant.
The morning rain and wind didn't stop Kelly from posing on the beach-side porch.

I love this photograph!
Kelly & I.
Beautiful bride!
Meanwhile, Andy waited at Castle Hill.
Now married!
The bridal party.

Please take not of Annie's real hair-do (second from right).
This one's for the fireplace!
This one's for the hallway!
This one's for the bedroom!
Off to the party!
Castle Hill had the nicest tent set-up that I've ever seen.
Bob's favorite - Whoopie pies!
These kids danced up a storm!
No guests left this wedding with an empty stomach!

Biggie's famous Sausages were available at the door as the party ended. Best idea ever? YUM!!
Thanks so much for bringing us to Newport! -- LOVE YOU GUYS!!!

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