Senator Hart's Annual St. Patrick's Day Breakfast
When I was a little kid, once a year I would climb into bed with my parents on Sunday afternoon to watch "the funny breakfast" with them, and even though I had no idea what it was, I always got excited for it. Having fond memories of watching this Boston tradition on TV, it has been so much fun to attend recently - even though the jokes aren't nearly as raunchy as they used to be!

The breakfast is held within the South Boston Convention and Exhibition center -- Click HERE to see the whole room.
I was surprised to see my photo from last year hanging up! Looks great!
Mayoral Candidate, city Councilor Michael Flaherty and Senator Jack Hart.
City Councilor Michael P. Ross.
Jack Hart introduces Governor Deval Patrick to the stage.
They love to roust each other, if you can't tell.
Senate President Therese Murray asking, just what WOULD Terry do?
Former Speaker of the House and radio talk show host, Tom Finneran (left).
Veteran and parade organizer, John “Wacko” Hurley.
Mayor Menino's "Flub Jug" kept him on his best behavior.
Boston City Councilor, Bill Linehan.
Presenting the 2008 Celtics World Championship trophy.
Mayoral candidate, city Councilor Sam Yoon (center).
Sister Patricia McCarthy.
Celtic Thunder sang.
Back by popular demand, comedian Steve Sweeney.
Performers from the Woods School of Irish Dance put on a show at the Breakfast.
Boston College High School Concert Choir.
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