Saks Fifth Avenue Luncheon with Nancy Gonzalez
Anna Cheshire Levitan invited over twenty friends to Saks Fifth Avenue yesterday to dine with handbag designer, Nancy Gonzalez.
Brandi Garnett, wife of Kevin Garnett and Julie Landrum, Fiancé of Paul Pierce.
Tonya Chen Mezrich and Tiffany Dowd.
Brandi Garnett.
Brandi Garnett, Nancy Gonzalez, Anna Cheshire Levitan and Julie Landrum.
Ray Allen's son Walker showed up to crash the party.
Tamar Salter Frieze.

Tamar is Boston's latest and greatest party planner! Visit Salter Frieze Events for more information!
Some press in the Boston Globe.
Saks also hosted a Chopard luncheon this week. For photos from that event, click HERE!

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