bleigh: haha i have a feeling that picture of you and lauren was taken in Gary Fong's booth. I dont know - I kinda see Missy in the back. Or maybe I'm wrong.. btw i love your work! I'm a starting photog from Toronto :) (4.9.08, 9:15pm)

stephanie: that armani billboard picture is hanging next to my bed right now ... so class. (11.2.07, 6:36pm)

Peter Gregg: Cool NY city pix. So what was the cool parts of the show? (10.25.07, 12:44am)

Joanna: As usual great stuff Mike! I am so jealous you got to go to photoplus. I definetly need to move..haha. (10.24.07, 10:05pm)

Kristen Leigh: Well, hello! Um, yeah, not gonna lie, its awesome to find young photographers :D I really like your pics - you do awesome work! (10.24.07, 8:18pm)

Laura T: Totally the Shootsac booth... I love those. I love JC. I'm glad I was able to "introduce" you to her work :-) (10.24.07, 4:45pm)

tyrah: Great new site! I think you may be at the Shootsac booth;) (10.24.07, 10:16am)